Science updates: Food availability, pathogen exposure, & genetic of honey bees
Science updates:
Food availability, pathogen exposure, & genetic of honey bees
The study found that the degree of genetic diversity typically found in honey bee colonies does not predict thermoregulatory stability. Additionally, the social fever response is not a simple reflex but is influenced by ambient temperature conditions. A temperature-based circadian rhythm was observed under high nectar flow conditions, suggesting a more complex thermoregulatory system in honey bees than previously understood.
The researchers set up seven observation hives with approximately 1,600 honey bees and a newly introduced queen in each. They measured in-hive temperatures and estimated genetic diversity through genotyping. The study revealed that colonies with naturally mated queens (ranging from 20 to 37 matings) did not show a significant correlation between genetic diversity and thermoregulatory stability. However, a significant temperature-based circadian rhythm emerged during supplemental feeding, with hive temperature peaking about 12 hours after feeding.
Exposure to A. apis spores did not result in a significant change in thermoregulation patterns, suggesting a possible temperature threshold above which a behavioral fever response is not necessary. This indicates that the presence of spores alone may not trigger the initiation of the fever behavior.
The study concludes that the level of genetic diversity seen in typical honey bee colonies is sufficient for proper in-hive temperature stability, and higher levels of genetic diversity do not significantly affect this trait. The discovery of food-related circadian rhythms in honey bee colonies' thermoregulation was unexpected and suggests that honey bees can utilize a food-related circadian rhythm to predict food access. The research also speculates that there may be a thermal limit above which a behavioral fever is not displayed, highlighting the context-dependent nature of honey bee thermoregulation.
Simone-Finstrom, M., Foo, B., Tarpy, D. R., & Starks, P. T. (2014). Impact of food availability, pathogen exposure, and genetic diversity on thermoregulation in honey bees (Apis mellifera). Journal of insect behavior, 27, 527-539.
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