Science updates: Tracking Varroa Parasitism Using Cameras


Science updates:

Tracking Varroa Parasitism Using Cameras



The article explores the use of infrared thermal imaging to detect Varroa destructor parasitism in honey bee (Apis mellifera) broods. The study, conducted over two years at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, involved five beehives each year, using a FLIR E5-XT WIFI handheld infrared camera to create heat maps of capped brood frames.


The authors found that handheld infrared cameras can generate detailed heat maps, effectively distinguishing between cells containing honey, pollen, and brood. They observed a sustained temperature increase in developing honey bee pupae infested with Varroa mites, detectable regardless of the number of mites in the cell. This indicates an advanced thermoregulatory behavior in honey bee colonies, potentially a social fever response to the presence of Varroa mites.


The study identified two heating patterns associated with Varroa-infested cells: hotspot heating and heating cells. The presence of Varroa mites led to an average temperature increase of 0.79°C over the two-year period, which was statistically significant. The authors suggest that this temperature increase could be due to intense social behavior of worker bees, possibly aiming to create unfavorable conditions for the parasitic mites.


The research highlights the potential of non-invasive thermal imaging for monitoring Varroa infestation and honey bee health. The method could be refined with AI-based image evaluation software to provide beekeepers and researchers with a valuable tool for Varroa detection and control, as well as for bee breeding selection efforts.


The article emphasizes the importance of thermoregulation in honey bee colonies and the potential health benefits of social fever behavior for the bees. It also points to the need for further research, particularly during hot summer periods, to fully understand the biological mechanisms underlying social fever and to improve the detection method.



Tamás Sipos, Szilvia Orsi-Gibicsár, Tamás Schieszl , Tamás Donkó, Zsombor Zakk, Sándor Farkas, Antal Binder  and Sándor Keszthelyi (2024). Tracking Varroa Parasitism Using Handheld Infrared Cameras: Is Eusocial Fever the Key?. Insects 2024, 15, 693.





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